マリア様がみてる~春~ (全13話) 月額 440 円 (税込)で 4,0 作品以上! ドコモのケータイ以外もOK! 初めての方は初月無料で見放題! 名門・私立リリアン女学園の生徒会「山百合会」の面々を中心に繰り広げられる少女たちの青春ドラマ。One of the most wellrespected of the Yamayurikai She is very gifted and good at almost everything, although she is also enigmatic and eccentric She has a large forehead, which Sei made fun of when they were young, and began their rivalry She said once that she chose Rei福沢祐巳:植田佳奈/小笠原祥子:伊藤美紀/水野蓉子:篠原恵美/島津由乃:池澤春菜/支倉 令:伊藤静/鳥居江利子:生天目仁美/藤堂志摩子:能登麻美子/佐藤 聖:豊口めぐみ/ 二条乃梨子:清水香里/松平瞳子:釘宮理恵 ほか Maria Sama Ga Miteru Volume5 Baka Tsuki 鳥居 江利子